Books and Book Chapters


The Protection of Vulnerable Persons in Refugee and Migration Law
VULNER’s German team, Helene Heuser, Jakob Junghans and Winfried Kluth, published “Der Schutz vulnerabler Personen im Flucht-und Migrationsrecht” (The Protection of Vulnerable Persons in Refugee and Migration Law) mapping out the vulnerability assessment mechanisms in Germany.
This book is in German and available in open access here.

 Book Chapters

Situational Vulnerability, Gender and Human Rights. Analysis of Italian and supranational legislation and case law on labour exploitation
Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, member of the VULNER advisory board, and Letizia Palumbo, VULNER member of the Italian team and leader of the thematic work package on human trafficking, co-wrote the chapter "Vulnerabilità situazionale, genere e diritti umani. Analisi della normativa e della giurisprudenza Italiana e sovranazionale sullo sfruttamento lavorativo" (Situational Vulnerability, Gender and Human Rights. Analysis of Italian and supranational legislation and case law on labour exploitation) in the book "Diritti umani in crisi? - Emergenze, disuguaglianze, esclusioni" (Human Rights in Crisis? - Emergencies, Inequalities, Exclusions).
The publication is in Italian and can be accessed here.
Protective Measures for vulnerable People in German Foreigners' Law
Winfried Kluth and Jakob Junghans, both members of the German VULNER team, have contributed the chapter "Schutzvorkehrungen für vulnerable Personen im deutschen Ausländerrecht" (Protective Measures for vulnerable People in German Foreigners' Law) to the "Jahrbuch des Migrationsrechts für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Yearbook on Migration Law of the Federal Republic of Germany).

The chapter is in German and available here.
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