Scientific Publications

Research Reports

The research reports present the intermediate research findings in each of the country under study. They document and analyse the various existing legal and bureaucratic approaches and practices in identifying ‘vulnerable’ migrants seeking protection, and in assessing and addressing their special needs. Find them here.

Humanitarianism and Juridification at Play:  ‘Vulnerability’ as an Emerging Legal and Bureaucratic Concept in the Field of Asylum and Migration
Introductory Report on the VULNER Research Report 1 series by Luc Leboeuf | Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Exploring Vulnerability’s Challenges and Pitfalls in the Belgian Asylum System
Research Report on the Legal and Policy Framework and Implementing Practices in Belgium by Sylvie Saroléa, Francesca Raimondo, Zoé Crine | Université catholique de Louvain
Vulnerability in the Canadian Protection Regime
Research Report on the Legal and Policy Framework in Canada - by Midori Kaga, Delphine Nakache, Melissa Anderson, François Crépeau, Anthony Delisle, Nicholas Fraser, Edit Frenyó, Anna Purkey, Dagmar Soennecken, Ritika Tanotra | University of Ottawa, McGill University, York University
Addressing Vulnerabilities of Protection Seekers inGerman Federalism
Research Report on the Legal and Policy Framework and Implementing Practices in Germany by Winfried Kluth, Helene Heuser, Jakob Junghans | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Vulnerability in the Asylum and Protection System in Italy
Research Report on the Legal and Policy Framework and Implementing Practices in Italy - edited by Sabrina Marchetti and Letizia Palumbo | Ca’Foscari University of Venice
The Vulnerability of Refugees Amid Lebanese Law and the Humanitarian Policies
Research Report on the Legal and Policy Framework and Implementing Practices in Lebanon by Chaden El Daif, Maha Shuayb, Maria Maalouf | Centre for Lebanese Studies
Vulnerable Protection Seekers in Norway: Regulations, Practices, and Challenges
Research Report on the Legal and Policy Framework and Implementing Practices in Norway by Hilde Lidén, Jessica Schultz, Erlend Paasche, Helene Wessmann | Institute for Social Research & University of Bergen
Protecting Vulnerable Refugees in Uganda
Research Report on the Legal and Policy Framework and Implementing Practices in Uganda by Sophie Nakueira | Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

Journal Articles

Lost in Translation? The Promises and Challenges of Integrating Empirical Knowledge on Migrants’ Vulnerabilities into Legal Reasoning
Luc Leboeuf, VULNER scientific coordinator, published the article as part of the special issue Breaching the Boundaries of Law and Anthropology: New Pathways for Legal Research, which is edited by Marie-Claire Foblets, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens and Michele Graziadei. It is available to download here.
The Evaluation Report of the BAMF on AnkER Centres – Occasion for a critical Review
Journal article by Jakob Junghans with the title „Der Evaluationsbericht des BAMF zu AnkER-Einrichtungen – Anlass einer Bestandsaufnahme“ is published in the German law journal 'ZAR - Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik', Heft 10, 2021, and is available for access here.
Instruments for effective Protection against Violence in State Reception Centres
The journal article by Jakob Junghans published with the title "Instrumente für einen effektiven Gewaltschutz in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen" in the German law journal Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR), Heft 2, 2021, is available here.
Migrant Women and the Right to Family Unity. Factors of Vulnerability and Forms of Protection in Italian and European Case Law
The journal article co-authored by Letizia Palumbo, VULNER member of the Italian team, and Alessandra Pera, University of Palermo, entitled 'Donne migranti e diritto all'unità familiare. Fattori di vulnerabilità e forme di tutela nella giurisprudenza italiana ed europea' in the Italian law journal Il Foro Italiano, 3/2021 can be accessed here.
The Special Needs of Vulnerable Persons in the System of European and German Migration Law
Journal article by Winfried Kluth, first published under the title "Die besonderen Bedürfnisse von schutzbedürftigen Personen im System des europäischen und deutschen Migrationsrechts" in the German law journal Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR), Heft 4, 2020, is available for download here. An English Version of this article can be found here.


The Protection of Vulnerable Persons in Refugee and Migration Law
VULNER’s team in Germany, Helene Heuser, Jakob Junghans and Winfried Kluth, recently published The Protection of Vulnerable Persons in Refugee and Migration Law,” (Der Schutz vulnerabler Personen im Flucht-und Migrationsrecht) mapping out the vulnerability assessment mechanisms in Germany. more

Special Issues

Migrant Labour in the Agri-Food System in Europe: Unpacking the Social and Legal Factors of Exploitation

Migrant Labour in the Agri-Food System in Europe: Unpacking the Social and Legal Factors of Exploitation - Editorial
Letizia Palumbo, member of the VULNER Italian team and leader of the WP on human trafficking, Alessandra Corrado and Anna Triandafyllidou, member of the VULNER advisory board, co-edited the Special Issue Migrant Labour in the Agri-Food System in Europe: Unpacking the Social and Legal Factors of Exploitation of the European Journal of Migration and Law.
Exploitation in the Agri-Food Sector in Europe - A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Migration and Labour Regimes in Producing Migrants’ Vulnerabilities
Letizia Palumbo, member of the VULNER Italian team and leader of the WP on human trafficking, published the article 'Exploitation in the Agri-Food Sector in Europe - A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Migration and Labour Regimes in Producing Migrants’ Vulnerabilities' as part of the Special Issue Migrant Labour in the Agri-Food System in Europe: Unpacking the Social and Legal Factors of Exploitation of the European Journal of Migration and Law.

Vulnerability and the Legal Protection of Migrants: A Critical Look at the Canadian Context

The Juridification of ‘Vulnerability’ through EU Asylum Law: The Quest for Bridging the Gap between the Law and Asylum Applicants’ Experiences
Luc Leboeuf, VULNER's scientific coordinator, authored the article 'The Juridification of ‘Vulnerability’ through EU Asylum Law: The Quest for Bridging the Gap between the Law and Asylum Applicants’ Experiences', which belongs to the LAWS Special Issue Vulnerability and the Legal Protection of Migrants: A Critical Look at the Canadian Context.
Vulnerability and the Quest for Protection: A Review of Canadian Migration Case Law
Anna Purkey, VULNER member of the Canadian Team, published the first article ‘Vulnerability and the Quest for Protection: A Review of Canadian Migration Case Law’ , which belongs to the LAWS Special Issue Vulnerability and the Legal Protection of Migrants: A Critical Look at the Canadian Context.
Locating the Concept of Vulnerability in Canada’s Refugee Policies at Home and Abroad
Dagmar Soennecken and Melissa Anderson, both members of the Canadian (York) VULNER team, co-authored the article ‘Locating the Concept of Vulnerability in Canada’s Refugee Policies at Home and Abroad’ as part of the LAWS Special Issue Vulnerability and the Legal Protection of Migrants: A Critical Look at the Canadian Context.
Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications: A Critical Look at Canadian Decision-Makers’ Assessment of Claims from “Vulnerable” Applicants
Anthony Delisle, graduate of the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa and Delphine Nakache, leader of the Canadian VULNER Team, co-authored the article ‘Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications: A Critical Look at Canadian Decision-Makers’ Assessment of Claims from “Vulnerable” Applicants’, which belongs to the LAWS Special Issue Vulnerability and the Legal Protection of Migrants: A Critical Look at the Canadian Context.

Book Chapters

Situational Vulnerability, Gender and Human Rights. Analysis of Italian and supranational legislation and case law on labour exploitation
Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, member of the VULNER advisory board, and Letizia Palumbo, VULNER member of the Italian team and leader of the thematic work package on human trafficking, co-wrote the chapter "Vulnerabilità situazionale, genere e diritti umani. Analisi della normativa e della giurisprudenza Italiana e sovranazionale sullo sfruttamento lavorativo" (Situational Vulnerability, Gender and Human Rights. Analysis of Italian and supranational legislation and case law on labour exploitation) in the book "Diritti umani in crisi? - Emergenze, disuguaglianze, esclusioni" (Human Rights in Crisis? - Emergencies, Inequalities, Exclusions).

The publication is in Italian and can be accessed here.
Protective Measures for vulnerable People in German Aliens Law
Winfried Kluth and Jakob Junghans, both members of the German VULNER team, have contributed the chapter 'Schutzvorkehrungen für vulnerable Personen im deutschen Ausländerrecht' (Protective Measures for vulnerable People in German Foreigners' Law) to the 'Yearbook on Migration Law of the Federal Republic of Germany' (Jahrbuch des Migrationsrechts für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland).

The chapter is in German and available here.

Blog Posts

Italy’s problem is not labour shortages, but a shortage of workers’ rights
Letizia Palumbo, Italian VULNER member and leader on the thematic work package on humnan trafficking, co-authored with Alessandra Corrado the blog post 'Italy's problem is not labout shortages, but a shortage of workers' rights' on OpenDemocracy.
A Critical Look at Canada's Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration
VULNER member Delphine Nakache, leader of the work package on Canada, co-authored with Idil Atak, leader of the work package on Canada at the PROTECT project, the blog post "A Critical Look at Canada's Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration" on the Refugee Law Initiative's blog series.
Legal Pathways to Protection: Towards a Common and Comprehensive Approach?
Luc Leboeuf, VULNER scientific coordinator, contributed the blog entry "Legal Pathways to Protection: Towards a Common and Comprehensive Approach?" as part of a new blog series from the Odysseus academic network on the EU 'New Migration and Asylum Pact', coordinated by Daniel Thym.
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